Saturday, June 23, 2012

Isabelle's Birthday

I could literally write pages and pages about the events, emotions, surprises, stresses, treasured moments, and blessings of this week. However, while I could write pages, I realize that not everyone is interested in reading that much so I'll try to spread it out over the next few weeks :-) Right now, I want to capture Isabelle's birth story before the details begin to fade.

As everyone who had the misfortune of seeing me in the last few weeks can attest, I was very very ready to have this baby. I had a feeling however that I was not going to have the normal first baby labor experience of having contractions that gradually increase in intensity and frequency until it's time to go to the hospital. Saturday I could tell Izzy had dropped and I started expecting my water to break even though it's rare. Monday night the contractions kept me up until almost 4am when they finally came to a stop. As I headed for a restroom break before going to bed at 4:20am, I felt my water break. I was excited that it was finally time and that I had a definitive indicator to head to the hospital since I had been nervous that I would go too early/late. I walked in to wake Nate up and his response was to say "no, no, it didn't" and try to go back to sleep. A few minutes later he was still confused about what was going on, but got up and started getting ready. We both grabbed showers, packed the last few items, got a hold of my mom and sister, and headed out the door for the last time as a family of two.

We didn't get checked in at the hospital until 5:09am. At that point I was at 3cm and having irregular contractions. The next three checks showed me at 4cm and my contractions weren't getting regular so they started pushing pitosin around 1pm. I had my epidural at 9am. Izzy's heartbeat would drop too low during contractions so they kept having to reduce the pitosin. They also made me flip sides every 30-45 minutes which required the help of 2-3 people since I was completely numb and immobile from the waist down. This did provide some entertainment when I got testy with Nathan for moving the wrong leg and leaving my left leg bent way behind me....the entertaining part was that he was in fact moving the correct leg and it was actually completely straight and exactly where I was asking him to move it. I was so numbed that I was having some kind of phantom leg experience.

We were all starting to worry that they might have to do a c-section since my contractions were so ineffective and they couldn't push more pitosin because her heartbeat was so unstable and they believed she had wrapped the cord around her. Manda was planning to stay for the whole labor but my mom and grandparents were trying to decide what to do since by 10pm I was still only at 5 cm. Right after they checked me, I started to get intense back labor pains and the abdominal pain was breaking through the epidural. Anesthesia offered an extra dose of concentrated epidural. I was concerned about not being able to feel enough to push but they said the numbness would start wearing off in 45 minutes so I figured that was plenty of time.... they decided to check me again because the pain was still around an 8 or 9 with the extra medicine. 20 minutes after I had been barely 5cm dialated, I was now at ten and ready to push. 18 hours for the first 5cm and 20 minutes for the second 5 explained why the pain had been so bad. Fortunately, my grandparents and Ryan were still there since they had been about ready to leave. Mom, Manda, and Nate had been figuring out who got the comfier couch so they all got up and into action. I had to wait a good 40 minutes for enough nurses to be available to start pushing but the pressure wasn't too bad and the contractions had let up so it wasn't too bad. Pushing was a bit difficult because I was so numb, but it wore off some and an hour later they called the doctor in. I was surprised when they said the head was already out and that I could relax while they got the rest of her out. I only glimpsed her for a minute but everyone else could see that she had the cord wrapped around both her neck and body. It was a huge relief to hear her first screams and see her skin start pinking up. Nate cut the cord while they laid her on my chest. I was absolutely overwhelmed with relief that she was out and safe and healthy. After that, they fixed me up and I got to feed her for the first time before the rest of my family came in to see her.

I've never understood why people are so enthralled with what is a gruesome, painful, and dirty process. I can see now though how absolutely amazing it is to see the life, that until now had been only images on a screen and movements in a belly, coming out into the world as a beautiful, unique person. It's truly incredible. Throughout the labor and birth, we had a lot of friends and family praying for us. It meant so much, especially when Izzy was having a low heartbeat and later as I tried to gather the strength to push after so many hours of labor.

Isabelle Marie was born at 1:05am on June 20, 2012, weighing 5lb. 13oz. and measuring 19" tall.

And that's it for today...

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