Thursday, March 29, 2012

A letter to Isabelle Marie

Dear Izzy,

Well, we've finally decided on a name eight weeks after finding out that you're a girl. Isabelle means "God's promise" and your middle name is your Grandmama's middle name.  Preparations for your arrival are in full swing at this point and it's becoming obvious that you are growing away in mommy's belly. The closer it gets to your arrival, the more real it becomes that you are about to change our lives forever. We worry about having everything we'll need and knowing how to take care of you, but mostly we worry about making sure that you always know how much you are loved and prayed for.

We wonder what you'll look like (Daddy hopes you'll have Mommy's eyes and my nose :-) ) and what kind of personality you'll have. Sadly, it seems unlikely that you'll be able to escape some nerdiness with us for parents but hopefully it'll serve you well. Mommy wonders if you'll be a type A oldest child like she was (and is) or if some of your dad's laid back approach to life will rub off on you.  Will you be outspoken like Mommy or have your daddy's easy way with people? And what parts of your personality will be wholly and originally you?

We talk about what kind of woman we hope you'll grow up to be. Strong but gentle, warm-hearted, smart and capable, discerning and slow-to-anger, confident but humble. Already we think about how you'll interact with other kids, how you'll overcome the difficulties of being a teenager, praying that you'll draw your confidence in who you are from your Heavenly Father and the fact that you are made in his image. We pray that God will bring you a loving husband who can lead you, provide for you, and protect you. Someone that can make you laugh and who loves you for who you are.

There are three more months 'til we get to meet you face to face, but we want you to know that you have been hoped and prayed for and loved since before you even existed. We can't wait to hold you in our arms!

Mommy and Daddy