Wednesday, January 25, 2012

No more "It"

One of my least favorite parts of pregnancy (other than daily vomiting and hating all my favorite foods) has been calling the baby "it." I've tried to avoid it as much as possible by saying "the baby" or "Baby Beam" or "he or she" but that can get awkward. So yesterday was the long awaited day when we could finally find out which pronoun to use! I was incredibly nervous about the ultrasound since it's been 13 weeks since we've seen the baby. I had worries about missing limbs or malfunctioning organs and every other thing that could go wrong.

The tech started by taking pictures of the spine, heart, kidneys, limbs, etc., all of which were perfect! It took a while before she got the shot she needed to determine gender but fortunately it was a clear picture, leaving no doubt that we are having a.....


Needless to say, I had a few tears of joy at having all my worries of horrible birth defects relieved and at finding out that we had indeed gotten our wish for a baby girl. SHE still does not have a name as we are totally torn between two. Hopefully we'll be able to make that decision soon! For now, I'm excited about buying some adorable little girl outfits and bows and all of that fun stuff!

She kept putting her arm up to fend us off. She didn't like all the prodding.

Kind of strange how much of the bones this thing picks up...kind of looks like an alien face!


  1. Congratulations!! I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. Yay! We Can't wait to see her! Congrats :) -Ginny and Mark

  3. This is so exciting! Thanks for sharing. Congratulations! -Nancy and Dixon
